
FG, labour agree to cut electricity tariff by N10.20 per Kwh or 3 months‎

Federal Government and the Organised Labour have agreed on a tariff relief of N10.20 per kilowatt hour for Nigerians for the next three months.

The resolution was reached at a meeting which held on‎ the completion of the two weeks suspension of the implementation of the application of the cost-reflective tariff, which was among the reasons labour called of the planned industrial action over the hike in fuel pump price and electricity tariff.

A communique issued after a lengthy meeting between laour and the Federal Government on Sunday evening disclosed that the government would resolve issues affecting the electricity sector in the medium term, and also provide relief to customers immediately.

Immediate relief would be provided to citizens for a 2 to 3-month period (which will not exceed December 31, 2020).

Parts of the communique said, “Following extensive analyses, it was realised that VAT proceeds from the Nigeria Electricity Supply Industry (NESI)
could be used to secure varying levels of reflief in customer tariffs across bands A, B and C, ensuring that all customers receive some form of relief during this difficult time.

“Cumulatively the per kWh relief that will be provided to customers in bands A, B and C is N10.20 per kilowatt hour (kWh), which will be distributed across the bands.

“The relief will be in place for the 2 to 3-month period required for the Technical Committee to conclude its extended scope of work. It should be noted that Bands D and E tariffs were not changed, and this freeze will remain in place.”

The meeting also resolved that the National Mass Metering Programme (NMMP) will be accelerated with the distribution of six million meters, free of charge.

See also  Strike: Again, FG to meet with Labour Thursday

“This programme will distribute 6 million meters to Nigerians free, off charge. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) having approved the funding for this programme, the meters will begin being distributed to consumers immediately using stockpiles in country and local assemblers.

“The cost of meters shall be recovered from the DISCOs.

“The 6 million meters to be procured for the NMMP will only be through local meter manufacturers and assemblers. This will create jobs and a new meter manufacturing sub-sector in the country.

“In order to protect customers from changes in tariff during the 2-3 month period of review by the Joint Technical Committee, DISCOs will be directed to temporarily suspend customer band migration.

“This means that while DISCOs are expected to fulfil their Performance Improvement Plans (PIP) thereby improving the quality of service to customers, no added charges will be passed on to customers during this period.

“This measure is aimed at building confidence in the Service Based Tariff structure,” the communique added.  ‎

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