
FG vows to charge owner of Abuja Collapsed Building for manslaughter


The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) says it would revoke the land title and withdraw the building plan permit and also file a charge of manslaughter against the owner of a building in Dawaki which collapsed on Friday.

The unfortunate incident at the Dawaki area of the Federal Capital Territory has killed one person and injured about nine others.

Speaking while conducting newsmen round the site of the collapsed building on Sunday, the Acting Coordinator of the Abuja Metropolitan Management Council, Abdulhamid Suleiman described the incident as very painful and unfortunate.

Tthe developer and his co-conspirators will be punished. I assure you, the FCTA is not going to tolerate it. They will be brought to book and we will recommend for possible revocation of this plot,” he noted.

According to him, even though necessary preventive measures were taken and a ‘stop work’ notice by the Department of Development Control served on the developer, he ignored it and used the cover of the Covid-19 lockdown “to continue to do this type of construction under lawlessness and impunity, and the result is this disaster.”

He said the prosecution of the developer and revocation of the plot would also “serve as a warning to other developers in the city, adding that “we have directed the Department of Development Control to institute, strictly, their procedure: any developer issued stop-work order that refuses to abide by it, we will withdraw his building plan and approval and possibly recommend, also, for the withdrawal of the title of the land

“We have also directed the Legal Department to commence the process of prosecuting those who are responsible for this terrible offence.”

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On his part, the Director-General, FCT Emergency Management Agency FEMA, Abbas Idriss said there were 10 persons in the building when it collapsed but that while nine were safely evacuated, there was one fatality.

Also, the Director, Department of Development Control, Mukhtar Galadima dismissed allegations of being reactive instead of proactive, revealing that prior to the collapse, his department organized a stakeholders’ meeting to “strategise on ways and means of averting incidences of structural failure.”

He said a “stop work” notice was served on the developer of the collapsed structure on 17th of July, 2020 when the developer embarked on modification of the bungalow without securing appropriate approval, but he did not heed the orders”.

“The developer took advantage of the break period during the weekend, commence work and the result of noncompliance with our notice is this unfortunate incident that occurred yesterday.

“It is really unfortunate that we are recording building collapse during this critical period in our nation’s history. That is why we try as much as possible to see what we can do, in collaboration with other stakeholders to avert building collapse.”


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