
Iran executes man for spying for U.S, Israel



Iran has executed a former translator convicted of spying for the United States and Israel.

The convict, Mahmoud Mousavi Majd, was also accused of helping to locate a top Iranian general killed later by the U.S.

A statement on the Iranian judiciary’s website said Majd’s death “sentence was carried out on Monday morning over the charge of espionage”.

A state-owned television station, also on Monday, reported the execution of the man convicted of providing information to the U.S. and Israel about a prominent Revolutionary Guard general later killed by a drone strike.

The country’s judiciary had said in June that Majd was “linked to the CIA and the Mossad,” the Israeli intelligence agency.

It alleged that Majd shared security information on the Guard and its expeditionary unit, called the Quds, or Jerusalem Force, which Qassem Soleimani commanded.

Soleimani was killed in an American drone strike in Baghdad in January.

The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, and five others.

Iran later retaliated for Soleimani’s killing with a ballistic missile strike targeting U.S. forces in Iraq.

That same night, the Guard accidentally shot down a Ukrainian jetliner in Tehran, killing 176 people.

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